11 photos   1315 visits

member since 5 May 2010

Heys Wath-zuuPp everybdy

what is with `you
?? you don't saw i am not online on this site in this site??
please so much stop the fa(K)es and (L)ove me `cause i love you !! :)
if you don`t love me is my problem b-cuz i love you cause we are the world if you don't exist i don't exist `too ! !!! P(L)ease don call me another poser ! I am not and i am very busy ! i don't entry every day here but i promise i put a lot of pics and music +videos here!!!

with love,
Miley Cyru$
:) :D :X :*
(L) (K)
i like piano
i like piano
i love this
i love this
in Axa Palariteuses
in Axa Palariteuses
In the garden ..i wrote a message
In the garden ..i wrote a message
is back my love
is back my love
really..is so cool
really..is so cool
rock in
rock in

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